Here are my finds from this weekends flea market. I didn't come back with as much as I anticipated, but did not do too badly.

This is a 1950's silent butler, with a monogram, but I'm not sure what the monogram is, maybe a D? Also, some silverplate flatware, and cake server. The forks have a P monogram (at least I think it is a P). And a pink depression glass candle holder. Very pretty and dainty.
Silent butler - maybe a D? Do I have it upside down?? These are all good questions.
Forks with monogram - my guess is a P.

Other finds, a pretty lady holding a basket that will sit in the garden.

And last, but not least, a pretty bucket with handle, reads Michael Crain Company and holds a magnolia plant.
I love the bucket you put the magnolia in!