I've picked up a bunch of boxes recently to use for storage. The above three are all apple crates.
One did not have a graphic, so I used an image from the Graphics Fairy to add some interest.
The other had bright apple graphics.
They are in really good shape.
They will be used in the garage to make everything look a bit neater.
I also found this German Sweet Chocolate box at an estate sale.
Walter Baker was the oldest chocolate company in the US, founded in 1780.
Linked up to the Graphics Fairy's Brag Monday.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Weekend Thrift Finds
I went to a bunch of estate sales this weekend, found a few things.
A big drawer - for storage. It has a really pretty handle.
A couple of very old books.
Including this Victorian era Mother Goose book. A great book to sit out for Halloween decor.
A tiny Victorian photo album.
It has a repoussé design, the front reads Souvenir.
The back is an art nouveau style floral design.
The inside has pictures of Paris, from around the turn of the century.
It even has a date written on one of the pages, but unfortunately not the year.
And an old box with an iron handle. Another great storage piece. Someone has to try it out to see if it would work as a cat bed.
A big drawer - for storage. It has a really pretty handle.
A couple of very old books.
Including this Victorian era Mother Goose book. A great book to sit out for Halloween decor.
A tiny Victorian photo album.
It has a repoussé design, the front reads Souvenir.
The back is an art nouveau style floral design.
The inside has pictures of Paris, from around the turn of the century.
It even has a date written on one of the pages, but unfortunately not the year.
And an old box with an iron handle. Another great storage piece. Someone has to try it out to see if it would work as a cat bed.